Wheatland Memorial Healthcare is dedicated to helping all of our patients meet their financial obligations to our facility in any way we can.
Wheatland Memorial Healthcare does not discriminate in the provision of services to an individual (i) because the individual is unable to pay; (ii) because payment for those services would be made under Medicare, Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); or (ii) based upon the individual’s race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, or sexual orientation.
IRC Section 501(r)(5) requires that hospitals limit charges for emergency and other medically necessary care provided to individuals eligible for financial assistance to be no more than amounts generally billed (ABG) to insured individuals.
- Wheatland Memorial Healthcare places notification of Sliding Fee Discount Program in the clinic waiting area.
- An explanation of our Sliding Fee Discount Program and our application form are available on Wheatland Memorial Healthcare’s website.
- Sliding Fee Discount Program application will be included when balances are due and payment arrangements have not been made. Copies of Wheatland Memorial financial assistance program will be placed at the clinic, by the emergency room, by the business office and on the Wheatland Memorial website.
- Sliding Fee Discount Program application will be included when balances are due and payment arrangements have not been made.
Wheatland Memorial compassionate care is secondary to all other third parties and financial resources available to the patient.
The following percentages will be given to patients with a total household income as follows.
- Income less than 125% of federal poverty level will receive 100% financial assistance.
- Income between 126%-150% of federal poverty level will receive 80% financial assistance.
- Income between 151%-175% of the federal poverty level will receive 60% financial assistance.
- Income between 176%-200% of the federal poverty level will receive 40% financial assistance.
- Income greater than 200% of the federal poverty level will receive 0% financial assistance.
To this end, we have adopted reasonable guidelines with respect to the provision of health care services to patients who are determined to be unable to pay for the services received. We have developed a financial assistance program that can be used as a last resort when patients have exhausted all other options for paying for the health care services received here. Wheatland Memorial Healthcare will always treat patients with respect and dignity while attempting to resolve their balance.
All patients must agree to be screened for benefits by completing a financial statement and/or other related paperwork in order to qualify for discounts under this program. The discounts provided under this program are based on a multitude of factors including, but not limited to, household income compared to the federal poverty levels, and changes in medical conditions. Discounts up to 100% may be granted if approved according to our policy guidelines. Wheatland Memorial Financial assistance is for hardship cases and cannot be used for self-referred services.
In order to be considered for our financial assistance program, please complete all of the following and return all documents to the address below.
The phone number for the local office in Harlowton is 406-632-4895. They are open on Mondays from 9:30 am until 2:30 pm in Harlowton. The Lewistown office phone numbers are 406-538-7468 or 888-200-6870. Financial assistance will be evaluated on a case-by-case base. Other circumstances may show that full payment of medical expenses could cause serious financial hardship to the patient or the house. These circumstances may warrant that an exceptional financial reduction be considered.
Wheatland Memorial Healthcare Providers that accept Financial Assistance:
Dr. McMahon
Dr. Hess
Dr. Klee
Cindy Swan, NP
Kary Engle, PA-C
Jason Moore, PA
Complete the application
You must complete all sections of the application at time of services to be processed. If you do not provide all the requested information, we will contact you to get the missing information before your application will be processed. This will delay any action on your account. It is very important that you provide all information about your monthly income and expenses, as we consider all of this information. You will have 5 days to complete application. Applications available at WMH Business Office
Return the application and all supporting documentation to the hospital
Please make sure you sign and date the application and return it to us along with all other supporting documents requested such as check stubs, bank account information, etc. We need to have supporting documents to be able to quickly make an informed decision on your request.
If you have any questions or need any help with this process, you can call the Business Office at 406-632-4351.
Brochures can be found near the Emergency Department, Business Office, and in the Clinic or print using the link below.
Financial Assistance Application
Wheatland Memorial Healthcare
Business Office
P.O. Box 287
Harlowton, MT 59036